Pozwolenie na budowę ogrodzenia – kiedy jest potrzebne?

Planning permission for a fence - when is it needed?

Are you planning to build a fence around your property and wondering if you need permission to do so? If so, this article is for you. We'll answer your most burning questions about building a fence, including whether you need a permit, what the regulations are for building a fence without a notification and what is the allowable height of a fence without a permit. W [...]

Wymiary bramy wjazdowej – jaki rozmiar będzie odpowiedni?

Entrance gate dimensions - what size will be suitable?

The entrance gate is an important element of any home that affects its aesthetics, security and functionality. Choosing the right dimensions for the entrance gate is therefore extremely important to ensure comfort and convenience during its use and to increase the value of the property. In this article, we will present the most important information on the dimensions of the entrance gate. Gate height - how high should it be? The height [...]

Ogrodzenia frontowe – nowoczesne propozycje

Front fences - modern proposals

Front fences - how do you choose the best solution for your home? Front fences perform an important protective function for any home. They are the first line of defence against uninvited guests and objects that may threaten the safety of the property's inhabitants. However, it is not only their functionality that is important - front fences also affect the aesthetics of the entire property. That is why it is worth paying attention [...]